Kala Sharpa Yoga & Dosha Nivarana pooja and prayers.

Every one worrying about, How to get ride of Kala Sharpa Dosha.

There are 2 types.

1. Kala Sharpa Yoga  (Good)
2. Kala Sharpa Dosha (Bad) 

Kala sharpa Effect in Astrology:

1. When all planets get locked in to Raghu and Kethu it is considered as Kala Sharpa effect. It may be good or Bad. But if the Lagna (ascendant) and Moon is out of the Raghu kethu lock then it is not considered as kala sharpa effect though all other planets are locked expect this two things. That is Lagna and Moon.

2. What is Bad Kala sharpa Dosha ( Dosham ): 

In general only the 2 planets use to rotate in reverse mode. All the 7 planets are use to rotate in Clock wise and this 2 planets Raghu and Kethu use to rotate in reverse side. That is anti-clock wise.  

When we look over a horoscope chart if we see the planets if it is behind Raghu, then it is called Bad Kala Sharpa Dosham. That is if the planets including moon and Lagna gone behind Raghu.

3. What is Good Kala Sharpa Yoga ( yogam ):  

When we see all the planets are behind Kethu, this is called Kala sharpa Yoga. That means though all the planets are behind kethu (Raghu + Kethu), it is not locked. means Those planets are rotating in perfect route. and in opposite direction only Raghu and Kethu is travelling.  But when all the planets are locked inside the raghu and kethu and if lagna and moon is out of the seen then it is also Good.

Its a simple maths. Kala Sharpa Yoga & Dosha. View this picture.

What is the Logic in Kala Sharpa Dosa or Yoga:

Raghu and Kethu are Shadow planets and this two are not having materials or subject. When Lunar Eclipse or Solar Eclipse happens, we can understand the theory well.

That is what ever the planets, if its power is locked by shadows (masking) of Raghu and Kethu then it cannot permit the planets, to provide radiation of your brain and human body. So scientific maths says all the planets inside the lock of Raghu and Kethu Cannot do favor for the Horoscope owner.

In addition, even if you dont have kala sharpa dosa, you can see the effect of Asthanga dosa. That is for example, if  Mercury, Sun and Raghu is in same zodiac. Then the Sun and Mercury will loose its power. Raghu will observe those sun and mercury powers and it may help the horoscope owner in its Dasa & Pukthi which is called as Great Period and Sub periods.

So what ever the planets which sit with Raghu or Kethu, it use to get disturbed.

Also when Raghu kethu sits in some specific places of a horoscope, it use to do both favor and unfavorably.

Example: If kethu sits in 2nd house from Lagna, we can see a immoral relationship of a horoscope chart owner or he may get unsatisfied marriage life or even up to divorce. Because 2n house from lagna denotes Family, Commitments, Education, Money Power.

So this is the logic of the Raghu kethu effect, It provides mask (shadow) to good doing planets and the horoscope chart owner use to face mental stress, uncertainty, and late marriage.

Will kala sharpa yoga will damage a human life:

No. There is an ancient ethic, which says that above the age of 35 Kala Sharpa effect wont work out. But we are able to see several celebrity, actors, actress in cine field and in better position who has the same kala sharpa effect. So we can say Kala sharpa yoga will uplift you in future and Kala sharpa Dosa is unfavorable.

How and Why this kala sharpa Dosa is in my chart?

In your previous birth you have done some evil to the SHARPA KINGDOM, (Kingdom of Snakes). So for those who disturbed the life of Snakes in Previous birth with get an effect of Kala Sharpa Dosham. Its the belief in Tamil Astrology and even Indian Astrology methods.

How people are get affected by Kala Sharpa Dosha & Yoga:

1. Late Marriage.
2. No improvement in Life even up to 35 Years.
3. Failure is several life try.
4. Permanent Jobless situation.
5. Divorce if married early.
6. Stress and depression may increase.
7. Gives the feeling of uncertainty.

What is the remedy for Kala Sharpa Dosa / Yoga:

Whether you are rich or poor, budget some money to visit the below listed temples which is instructed below and do the prayer as directed. Then we can say Sharpa Shanti is enough. This will release you from Kala Sharpa Yoga and Dosha. Several people done this and got a good life. 

If you are rich enough:

You can contact your area Pandits, Brahmin Prokiths, and Yagya doing Brahmin people. They will conduct Kala Sharpa Nivarana Yagnam (yagyam) which helps you for Sharpa Santhi.

If you are not rich:  

Dont worry you have a best way to relieve from kalasharpa dosha. That is touring 3 temples and doing prayer. Thats all. We can say you are released of kala sharpa effect after visiting and doing the prayer.

Lets see how to come out of Kala Sharpa Dosha.

Three Temple places you have to Visit, That is all the matter.

1. Srikalahasthi near Thirupathi which is located in Andhra Pradesh State

2. Devipattinam on the way to Rameswaram which is located Tamilnadu State.

3. Rameswaram Sea and Temple Prayer which is located in Tamilnadu State

Basic Procedure:  Start from Srikalahasthi and visit the above 3 places, finish of  your pooja and prayers and return back directly to home. You should not stay in your relatives home or you should not go to relatives house during this trip. After completion of this trip return to the place where you begin your temple program. Staying in relatives home in between this program is not encouraged by ethics.

What you have to do in this 3 temples:

1.   First go to Srikalahasthi 

As mentioned in first link, there in the temple they use to conduct the Sharpa Shanthi Pooja Daily. Monday is better. They will issue Pooja tickets and some Pandits or Hindu temple leader will conduct the pooja. Like you several people are visiting this temple. You judge the situation there and follow the instruction given by government notices in the temple or as per the Pooja procedures which you can see there. Like you several people will be sitting there for pooja. You can get everything easily there.

Do not pay any money to outsiders and brokers. Decent simple lodges are available there in Srikalahasthi. So have a stay near to temple building and have bath and then go to temple. Before going please go with some basic details like below:

Your Birth Star and name is enough. If you know your family Kothra, it will be additional favor.

Then after completion of  Srikalahasthi visit you need to move to Rameswaram route. So from Andhra Pradesh you have to go to Rameswaram area which is East tail end of Tamilnadu state.

2. Second Devipattinam 
This is nearby Ramanathapuram which is the hub to visit Rameswaram. From Ramanathapuram Go to Devipattinam by bus.

Several announcements and notification are there in devipattinam temple, follow it and have a bath, and pray and to Pooja for Navagrahas in the name for whom you like . Birth star plays a major role in this pooja. So know your birth star. You need to round the navagraha temple (Prathakshanam) for 9 times and pray the lord to get release from your sins of Previous birth and to release from Raghu Kethu Sharpa Dosha (Kala sharpa Dosham)

Then after finishing the prayers at Devipattinam start your visit to Rameswaram. A matter of 2 hours journey.

3. Third Rameswaram Temple.  This is the final point of your sharpa shanthi tour. Here you have more work.

Several people are forgetting the ancestors. Its also a major cause for their down graph of their life. When some elders passed away from this earth, We need to provide Varusha Thithi (Shraartham), means providing food and addressing their remembrance about their presence.

Though you have done the Sharpa Shanthi pooja in Srikalahasthi, and navagraha pooja at Devipattinam, the pooja you are going to conduct in Rameswaram is something special.

Here 2 types of Prayers you are going to Conduct:

1. Releasing the Sharpa Dhosa by doing a Sharpa shanthi method in the Sea of Rameswaram.
2. Doing the pithur karma duty pending to your ancestors who died in your family.

Still great matters are there. I will write tomarrow.

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